Bee Swarm and Stinging pest removals
Before contacting us to investgate a sighting please ensure that you looked at our reference guide below and have photos and/or video to provide us with.
Retrival and removal costs:
Honey Bees Honey bees are pollinators and are extremely valuable to the environment. Only a registered Ontario beekeeper can safely retrieve a swarm, rehome it and care for it in properly in their Apiary. Honey bee swarms must be retrieved as soon as possible and inspected/treated for disease or they will die. In most cases we offer free Honey bee swarm removal. In the case that you have a honey bee swarm near you, please call immediately 613-612-4825 we will make every effort to attend quickly.
Bumble bees are pollinators and most varieties are endangered species. Removal and attempted relocations often causes the death of the colony. Bumble bees are passive and unthreatening. They are commonly referred to as flying Pandas due to their gentle nature. Bumble bees should be left alone. In the Fall, the Queen Bumble bee will leave and the remaining bees will die. Bumble bees usually do not return the following year.
Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets and other stinging pests
Yellow Jackets, Wasps, and Hornets are not significant pollinators. They eat other insects and pollinators. There is no benefit in tolerating their presence in your yard. If your Yellow Jackets, Wasps, or Hornets nest can be reached by hand, removal is cheap and quick. If the nest removal requires a ladder, removal of panels or flashing; Hourly costs will apply.
Email: for more information and a quote.
Species info | Species | colony or nest |
Honey BeePopulation 5,000 - 30,000 Defensive temperament Stinging incidents within 5 meters: Rare unless disturbed |
Bumble beePopulation: 10-100 Passive Stinging incidents within 5 meters: Very Rare unless disturbed |
Yellow JacketPopulation 50 - 500 Very aggressive Stinging incidents within 5 meters: Highly Likely |
Bald Faced HornetPopulation 50 - 500 Aggressive Stinging incidents within 5 meters: Likely |